Some kind of metallic, molecular dust from the androids' vessel?
No more than one or two light-hours away, vast and implacable alien machinery was engaged in reducing three worlds to fine metallic dust.
Star formation in the universe peaked around 10 billion years ago, even though galaxies contained lesser abundances of metallic dust.
As he pushed the door open, glittering radioactive metallic dust poured from where the lock had been.
There was no sense in just dumping the metallic dust into the external air - in fact doing so constituted a major security hazard.
Their boots churned up a fine metallic dust that billowed around their knees.
There seemed to be a preference for those Bands who had coated themselves with metallic dust and fragments, holding them in place magnetically.
Some were further decorated with colour pigments or metallic dust.
"We could have masses of that, or maybe metallic dust floating around us."
Rainbow specks of metallic dust coated the vegetation in all directions.