He withdrew something wrapped in a shimmering metallic cloth and brought it over to Kailyn.
The Crown was back in its niche, carefully swathed again in the woven metallic cloth.
Dwyer reached down to pick up a patch of a dull gray metallic cloth like material that seemed to shine up at him from the sand.
A man robed from head to foot in a metallic red cloth that glittered when he moved.
The light from the torch made the metallic cloth seem to writhe and twinkle.
A short jacket of a shining, almost metallic cloth was overlaid with black lace in a pattern of flowers.
Masking disappointment in action, he limped hurriedly to the metallic cloth and began gathering it over his arm.
The bodies were "dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture.
The struts of the glider twanged and snapped, and the metallic cloth tore.
Her newest containers, constructed of a rigid screening material or metallic cloth, nonetheless imply flexibility and fragility.