It was a metal trap.
A metal trap rushed back under Amalfi's nose, and he found himself looking through misty air at a crazily canted jungle.
Flattery opened his eyes to find the interior of this metal trap were he stood with Timberlake washed in golden light - glaring, yet soft.
I dug out my old leather gloves and the metal trap.
Although devils can bite through metal traps, they tend to reserve their strong jaws for escaping captivity rather than breaking into food storage.
The heads of all the mannequins are giant, cruel-looking, sharp-toothed metal traps.
They use fluorescent lights to draw them to buckets with metal traps.
Among them were a banana, a lobster, a chicken and a rat "caught" in a giant metal trap.
Quark had attached himself by hands and feet both to a metal trap in the earth; try as he might, the constable could not wrench him away.
He edged it up and out, and let the little metal trap clank shut.