For example, in 1924 delegates to the IMFWU convention passed resolutions calling for a labor party and industrial unionization in the metal trades.
In the case of Noricum, there is archaeological evidence of freemen labour in the metal trade and extraction through graffiti on mine walls.
Austin and Mike each continue in the metal trade.
The Russell, Walsh & Hitchcock company had previously been in the metal trade, making fuel tanks, mudguards and other parts for both motorcycles and motor cars.
By 1861 the edge tool and other metal trades employed 253 men, or 32 per cent of the workforce.
Champion came from a family who were already concerned in the metal trade at Bristol, his father being a leading partner in the Bristol Brass Company.
(...) should be, if possible, workers specialising in the metal trades, or otherwise workers that can be educated on the work with machines.
Gorazde was once a main industrial center for Bosnia, with a thriving chemical and metal trade, as well as fertile agricultural soil.
As early as 1868, the firm turned its attention to the metal trade, becoming prominent dealers in lead during that year.
Textiles were in full decline; the old metal trades had vanished to the point where no artisan could explain the traditional techniques.