The metal surrounding it was scorched.
Reaching up with her good hand, she grabbed the edge of the metal surrounding the luminescent panel above her.
When all that remained was a litter of gravel and bits of shiny metal and plastic surrounding a granite plinth, Kiwi laughed.
She rested her hands on the control yoke, fingers on the lock, and waited as the metal surrounding her grew nebulous and vanished all together.
The Art Deco detailing can be seen in the curved metal surrounding the main entrance and the cast stone at the roofline with zigzag motifs and vertical banding.
But the grenade itself was made of glass, except for the metal surrounding the pin mechanism.
These occurs because the partial discharge creates current spikes in the conductor and hence also in the earthed metal surrounding the conductor.
The impact may not have been the missile itself but rather the ball of vaporized metal surrounding its ion-pitted head.
Reactor fuel was either fabricated improperly or damaged in use by excessive heat so that the protective metal surrounding the uranium was breached.