The following year he made his first free-standing, colored sculptures from plywood boards with metal struts.
The metal strut, now ending in a jagged edge, was about ten feet long and anchored to the wall.
She felt the impact as the metal strut connected solidly with her target.
Continuing along the pathways through the asteroids he comes to the three moons which have been bolted together with metal struts.
At the center of the ball, attached to the hoops by strong metal struts, sat a chair.
He climbed through the metal struts of the side, attained the blacktop, and quickly raised the tailgate again.
On the ground it rests on four metal struts.
A finely tuned engineering system of metal struts and cables holds the glass aloft.
The equipment, long metal struts, were there to practice space-station assembly methods.
In front of the plane was a huge stretch of canvas supported by metal struts.