He cut off the metal straps and let her slump into his lap.
I saw there were metal straps holding its armor together.
She liked the way people crowded inside, bumping together as they clung to metal straps.
What else held nails and metal straps in quite that way, as if she saw a vessel stripped of its wood?
Would he have enough grab handles - the metal straps used by standing passengers - to complete the job?
All orders of Standards delivered later (cars 2600-2899, 4000-4049) came with metal straps already in place.
During the late 1930s, many (but not all) of the cars saw the metal straps replaced with horizontal steel bars.
If you were locked in steel it might be possible, but we have no metal straps and chain.
His nervous system, so to speak, extended itself into the metal strap.
The later mazers sometimes had metal straps between the rim and the foot.