Ozzfest helped Osbourne to become the first hard rock and heavy metal star to hit $50 million in merchandise sales.
He showed them a small metal star pinned to his faded shirt.
Two others diving at her screamed as Resolute hurled metal stars that spitted them.
He has orange-dyed & spiked hair and four metal stars seemingly embedded into his forehead.
Some of the five- and six-pointed metal stars were for slicing throats at a hundred yards.
I watch in horror as another metal star, larger than the first, breaks through the skin near my knee.
His skin is the color of my own and metal stars cover one side of his face.
Embedded in the stone was an old, rusted metal star: a Star of David.
Two black metal stars sang through the air, buried themselves in the warriors' necks.
His eye sprouted a metal star, and his throat gushed scarlet.