A spray of metal slivers swirled up from the keyway, spattered her face.
The metal sliver must have carried some deadly poison.
Most eye injuries occur when solid particles such as metal slivers, wood chips, sand or cement chips get into the eye.
One of his friends pulled out screwdrivers, metal slivers the size of paper clips, anything he could find in his pockets.
In the 1990's, one patient was blinded in an eye when a metal sliver in it from an earlier accident moved.
He saw the man he had followed waiting with a metal sliver upraised beside the lowest of the holes, and only blue sky and clouds beyond.
Then, with a gesture that was almost casual, the metal sliver was flipped into the void.
She plucked a metal sliver from a slot and thrust it at Terens.
One of the metal slivers must have penetrated the synthetic folds and the poisonous air of the planet was pouring through the hole.
Two thin tentacles held a metal sliver off one of the great stationary structures.