The next day, the lamb is threaded on long, thin metal skewers.
Use a metal skewer to poke the skin all over.
Hold a flat metal skewer - not nonstick, and at least 12 inches long - point up in one hand.
Place the shrimp on metal skewers and brush them with the olive oil.
All you need are a metal skewer and a straw.
Place the shrimp on metal skewers or wooden ones that have been soaked in water.
Sylvia poked in the grill with a long metal skewer.
Place into the oven to bake for 1-1 hours, or until the top is golden brown and a metal skewer comes out clean.
Equipment and preparation: You'll need 4 wooden or metal skewers.
However, officials deemed the image of Harry with metal skewers going through her face and neck to be too disturbing.