Both metals sunk in their real value, or in the quantity of labour which they could purchase; but silver sunk more than gold.
As on Earth, the denser metal separated from silicate material and sank toward the center of the asteroid, forming a core.
Prices of gold futures fell yesterday to their lowest levels in more than six weeks, prompting conjecture that the metal could sink as low as $400 an ounce in coming months.
It will melt a hole through the polar icecap, and all that metal will sink to the bottom, sucking the biomass down with it.
The hot metal seared through cloth and flesh, between ribs, and finally through the heart, boiling blood as it sank deeper into his chest.
Having higher densities than the silicates, these metals sank.
If planets had already formed the high density metals should have sunk to their cores during the molten stage of planet formation; a process known as planetary differentiation.
The raw metal sank into the deep maw of the mixers and out of sight, to be superheated and whirled until all impurities fell away and were discarded.
Then the children watched with joy as the metal sank suddenly molten, and was shoved about against the nose of the soldering-iron, while the room was full of a scent of burnt resin and hot tin, and Morel was silent and intent for a minute.
Sergeant Colon saluted, always a useful thing to do in an emergency such as this, and shouted: 'Corporal Nobbs, why aren't you in the... the metal sinking fish thing?'