The old man was in back of the metal shelving, his fist closed around a bottle of cooking sherry.
The heat-conducting metal shelving allows for heat to be quickly transferred from the bowl to the shelf.
Switching on a light, he and Janet found themselves in a long, narrow room filled with metal shelving.
It had great metal shelving, sewing equipment and an entire wall of windows for light.
Or ascend to yet another floor, and find yourself in a gloomy space filled with rows of gray metal shelving.
She saw the large alarm clock with luminous numbers sitting on the metal shelving.
In the late 1940s, the company turned its hand to supplying the new supermarket industry, producing metal shelving and display units.
With his back pressed against the metal shelving, March opened the first box, pulled out a handful of papers, and began to read.
In his rage, he hurled the table, and when that didn't work, he pulled down the long row of metal shelving.
Specific applications include automotive components, construction, metal shelving and drums.