This time, Cardona opened the metal sections with impunity, for the menace had been removed.
All you have to do is get up speed in the metal section, and cannonball right through this obstruction.
The song changes many times throughout, from light pop music to acoustic guitars and even contains a heavy metal section.
Samples of metal sections rolled at the forge.
There are corrugated metal sections between the floors and fixed-pane windows.
Written by May, this song features contrasting acoustic and heavy metal sections.
Riser - the metal section that raises the lip plate from the head joint tube.
He had been surprised to hear about the magnetization of the plane's metal sections.
Its ribbed metal sections glinted in the soft light of the sickbay operating theater.
From the parked ship a laser beam reached forth and he felt the intense impact as it touched the metal section in his hands.