In 2003, parallel to Krokus commitments, Marc wrote and recorded with Los Angeles based metal rockers Warrior.
The alternative metal rockers Godsmack will release their fifth full-length studio album May 4, titled The Oracle.
When the work is completed this summer, customers will drive in just past the front porch, where Mr. Rodriguez likes to pass much of his day on a metal rocker.
Injecting the violence of hockey into the genteel world of golf, Happy exhibits all the grace of a zonked-out metal rocker trashing a fancy tea party.
In 2000 Dee joined newly formed industrial metal rockers Jerk.
Cody is a born-again metal rocker with a clever girlfriend, Jessica; impressively, they manage to square their faith with their cool-kid ways.
"Now this is like a past glory," said Mr. Guerino, 42, whose flowing black hair and motorcycle boots make him look like a heavy metal rocker.
The Guardian of London reported Wednesday that heavy metal rockers Led Zeppelin are the most bootlegged musical artists in Britain.
Or, who would have thought that an unintelligible heavy metal rocker named Ozzie would become the voice of parental reason?
TVT presents this program featuring six songs from a live concert performance by alternative metal rockers Sevendust.