It had been a stab, not a slash, and the metal reinforcement within the bone had stopped the point.
Here, too, metal reinforcements set in the concrete have rusted because the concrete contained too much calcium chloride.
They were in an outer office; on the far side was a solid door with metal reinforcement, that bore the single word: "Private."
Moreover certain metal reinforcements while rusting made burst stones.
The remains of a bakery stood at the end of the street, twisted, metal reinforcements reaching naked from the crumbling concrete.
As was typical with the pianos of his day, Graf's instruments use rather little metal reinforcement.
The car bodies were made of framed polished wood panels with metal reinforcements, mounted on two sets of four-wheeled bogies.
A figure almost human had crept out of the shadows behind the vertical stone and exposed lacework of metal reinforcement.
Heavy, with its metal reinforcements, the mummy case rested firmly on the floor.
Anderson whistled as he saw the results, but went back to his seat at once, and began pulling out a suit of elastic cords and metal reinforcement.