Nearly half of that weight is the clear outer case and white metal liner.
Two cracks have been discovered in the metal liners of hydrogen-fuel lines inside Endeavour, the last of the four shuttles to be examined.
Explosive is loaded behind the metal liner to fill the pipe.
The trim stainless steel containers have pedal-operated lids and galvanized metal liners that lift out.
The stacks were constructed of reinforced concrete, supporting an internal metal liner.
The composite material may be wound around a metal liner, forming a composite overwrapped pressure vessel.
The cracks were in metal liners inside fuel pipes for the main engines, spokesmen said.
Its bottom drawer is a breadbox with a metal liner, and the top has a roll-up section for storing dishes.
For a permanent solution, you might think about installing a new prefabricated fireplace with a metal liner in place of the existing one.
The shuttle fleet has been grounded since June because of cracks in metal liners in fuel pipes.