Nothing left except skulls, a bit of bone, and some metal jewelry.
We ask that students leave their backpacks or large bags and metal jewelry behind on the bus to help expedite the security check.
However, some people are easily irritated by some metals; therefore, care should be taken when metal jewelry is worn.
Mr. Stratton urged parents to search their children's toys for metal jewelry and throw it away.
Among the tips: "Frequent travelers know that wearing metal jewelry and big diver-type watches will set off the alarm at security.
In fact, the house is not unlike Ms. Miro's metal jewelry, which has an industrial, careworn beauty.
As such, please consider leaving backpacks, large bags and metal jewelry behind in order to expedite entry.
Lead can still be found in contaminated soil, household dust, drinking water, lead-glazed pottery and some metal jewelry.
He must have been wearing forty pounds of elaborate metal jewelry, jewelry that gleamed silver in the moonlight.
It is still used as an additive in gasoline in many parts of the world, and more recently has shown up in children's metal jewelry.