She was in a horrific bus accident at the age of 18, her body skewered by a metal handrail.
In the 1930s it had metal handrails and later wooden ones, but these were devoured by the river at different times.
There was a metal handrail, bolted through to the wall every twelve inches.
Around the perimeter of the platform is a metal handrail.
He went slowly down the stairs to the beach, holding on to the sticky metal handrail.
Léonie stood on the bottom step and clutched the metal handrail.
Further restoration took place in 1987 with the addition of metal handrails, stone steps, and access for the disabled.
The metal handrail was hot to the touch.
Beyond it there was a narrow catwalk that had metal handrails.
Sat down on the concrete step and leaned his head against the cold metal handrail.