The room took on an unearthly glow as four brilliant shafts of light streamed into the room from metal gratings above the book cabinets.
There was a humming sound, rubber tires over metal gratings, bouncing and thudding sensation as the Ford shot ahead.
Electric power, security lights, fire alarm and a sprinkler system are more recent additions, as are the metal gratings over the loopholes.
The county plans to install catch basines with metal gratings that carry messages about protecting the area's water.
A weak street light glowed like a lonely torch high above the garbage cans and metal gratings that protected cellars.
The city ditch (Stadtbach) running through the middle of the street since medieval times is now visible again through metal gratings.
Only by looking from below waist level can you see into the pits unhampered by the sun's reflection on the shiny metal gratings.
With a thunder of boots on metal gratings, the Marines stormed down the ramp clutching their weapons and field gear.
Doors opened and shut until the distinctively hollow sound of footsteps on metal gratings confirmed Nog's suspicions.
We had passed over worn and warped metal gratings on the ramp coming off the bridge.