It was a woman, an older woman, grey hair bound back with a dirty rag, who leaned heavily on a metal crutch.
(The lack of hand strength is a neural problem, not a muscular one; when rigid, the arm and leg are as strong as metal crutches.)
The heavyset man, apparently the leader, stepped forward using metal crutches.
He walked on a metal crutch and had X-rays before the game, and now will return to New York.
King uses one red metal crutch to get from his pickup truck to the office door.
The jumpy guy covered them both with the trembling Glock while the leader reached into the car and pulled out the woman's metal crutch.
They weren't like the metal crutches you got when you broke your leg.
The game is played with metal crutches and without prostheses, the only exception being that bi-lateral amputees may play with a prosthesis.
Baxter, supporting himself on a metal crutch, limped out of the Jets' locker room.
Adosinda Langa, a 26-year-old woman who moves on heavy metal crutches, said she came to find a cure for an ailment that numbed her legs.