The fingers of my right looked frozen, pallid and stiff in a pool of blue light, as the large metal circlet passed over the third finger.
His other hand, I saw as he kicked Vedrast's legs out from under him and dropped him to his knees, held an open metal circlet.
She wears a white metal circlet and a veil, seemingly thin, but totally concealing.
On her third finger she encountered a little metal circlet, a ring that had been drawn over it She bit on it.
The girl went to one of these cupboards, opened it and took out two metal circlets in which were set radiant gems of a kind completely unknown to me.
With a clatter, Queen Ra threw the metal circlet to the stone floor of the cave and triumphantly faced the owl-headed bear.
He laid the box containing the lakeweed on the table, and removed the metal circlet from his pocket and placed it beside it.
Athletic and tall, clear-eyed and handsome, his long dark hair was held in place by a black metal circlet adorned with an opal at the centre.
Kaska picked up the loops and caught her nipples in them, pulling the metal circlets tight enough to bite.