Seven weary souls clung to the twisted metal carcass as it rolled deeper into the wilderness.
Maybe, if she looked hard enough, she would find traces of huge metal carcasses, entombed in the ice floors of the chemical seas.
The Vorta was certainly within this metal carcass, and probably the remaining Jem'Hadar.
Pinned beneath the sprawling metal carcass was a shiny red compact car crushed like a used beer can.
The tower's tented roof was the first cast iron cupola in the world, with a metal carcass and metal outer shell.
The Titanic was only a poignant caricature of a once-mighty liner, a half-devoured metal carcass.
I don't think you quite realize how much of a library is stuffed into this creature's metal carcass.
Get your metal carcass over to the northeast corner of the spaceport, and we'll meet you there.
It might be that this metal carcass is dead by now and our precautions are wasting time.
"You shall hear my tale-this part of it, at least-but not on top of this metal carcass."