The garbage chute had unhinged at the top, creating a small metal canopy.
One of the decks, protected by a sweeping metal canopy, is designed for use in foul weather.
In 1870, a metal canopy was built over the central courtyard.
A branch beat against the side of the metal canopy.
They crowded under a metal canopy sheltering the doorway of an intact house.
Along the south is a large metal canopy, and another loading door is in the center.
Although most 19th-century metal canopies have been destroyed or altered, a number remain.
A metal canopy over the entrance slopes to the left so that there will be a waterfall effect when it rains.
The two-story brick high school's entrance is covered with a metal canopy.
Also the metal canopy which hinges over does not extend far enough to actually provide adequate protection from the weather elements.