Prison overcrowding has forced most prisons to keep two prisoners in each cell, so an additional metal bunk is placed above the bed.
As the door was slammed shut, Jack sank down onto the metal bunk.
The mutants filed off into the rows of metal bunks, and we found ourselves alone at the edge of the room.
Murdock saw a figure rise up from behind a metal bunk.
The cells had a metal bunk, a hole without a drain for waste, and no windows.
He'd cut himself when he woke up at night and hit his head on the underside of a metal bunk, he said.
Passengers were crowded into metal bunks or slept on decks.
Murch sat down on the blanket-covered metal bunk and opened his shirt.
Then he taped it all back to his chest again, lay down on the metal bunk, and went to sleep.
Each was identical: a large saunalike cube with tiers of metal bunks.