This may reflect different metabolic requirements based on body size differences.
After all, we're talking about the metabolic requirements of living in a world without reliable access to high-quality food.
It is a law of nature that metabolic requirements for all largish animals decrease as they grow larger.
There is some evidence continuous metabolic requirements in a brain region contribute to the undershoot.
Air, water, and food are metabolic requirements for survival in all animals, including humans.
However, the oxygen partial pressure will vary depending on metabolic requirements, and this is generally predictable only within limits.
There had never been a conflict between different species: the metabolic requirements were varied enough to make trade difficult and tourism hugely expensive.
In these settings cardiovascular performance was optimized thinking patients would have supra-normal metabolic requirements.
Did that never suggest to you that they have developed a metabolic requirement for the element?
This weight appears close to the practical size limit of carnivorous land mammals, possibly relating to available food as well as metabolic requirements.