Colony growth is accompanied by a characteristic "mousy" odor due to metabolic products.
Many vital liver functions are disrupted, including detoxification of normal metabolic products.
Estradiol is also present in males, being produced as an active metabolic product of testosterone.
These plants consist of unicellular algae, whose metabolic products add to the clam's filter food.
In essence, the parasite cell drowns in its own metabolic products.
The products of pharming are recombinant proteins or their metabolic products.
Acetaldehyde, a metabolic product of alcohol, is suspected to promote cancer.
Both are derivatives of methylmercaptan, a chemical that was itself once believed to be the odor-causing metabolic product.
Thiophene-2-carboxylic acid should be the final major metabolic product.
Induced defenses include secondary metabolic products, as well as morphological and physiological changes.