Despite forensic evidence, police efforts were diverted for several months following receipt of a taped message purporting to be from the murderer.
Subsequently, Mir received a message purporting to be from the ISI claiming responsibility for the attack and warning that this was "just the beginning".
The conspirators torment Murray by sending him messages purporting to be from Eileen.
I was decoyed from home one day through the agency of a forged message purporting to come from a very dear friend whom I knew to be in grave trouble at the time.
Not with Imbert aiding unless there had come a message purporting to be from the King.
We don't want to be hoodwinked again by messages purporting to come from one to the other.
One rapidly growing category of e-mail fraud is what is known as phishing, in which e-mail messages purporting to be from a big company ask for credit card and bank information.
LIKE many people, Aviel D. Rubin recently received an e-mail message purporting to offer him a picture of the tennis star Anna Kournikova.
In the last year, at least a half-dozen messages purporting to be from Mr. bin Laden have been broadcast or published by Arabic-language media.
Victims received a message purporting to be from a friend.