Finally, they each received an e-mail message inviting them to a holiday party sponsored by same social group.
The screen also displays messages inviting shoppers to press buttons on the computer in order to locate products and see a sample of recipes that use the brands they are examining.
On October 29, 1821, Mexican Emperor Iturbide sent Gaínza a message inviting Guatemala to form part of the Empire.
Perry, in a message inviting Christians to the rally, said: "Right now, America is in crisis.
The iPaq auto-detects the signal and displays a message inviting you to jack into it.
This was followed by message inviting viewers to write to Channel 4 for a fire safety leaflet prepared with the cooperation of Laird:
So she sent Mr. Lin an e-mail message inviting him to lunch.
They exchanged cards at the end of the evening, and within days he sent her an e-mail message inviting her to dinner.
The official message inviting the Opposition Leader to the briefing had somehow gone astray.
The project leader would send out an e-mail message inviting people to visit the site and add their contributions to customized templates, which would then be converted into book pages.