The same message is emanating from the White House.
His messages of long ago still emanate from his images - the value of conserving public lands and the joy of living in magnificent wild places.
'Leadership and Change' Similar messages are emanating from corner offices and board rooms all over the country.
Rather, the official said that the shifting messages emanated from "organizational chaos" and that Mr. Ridge was only now learning the very difficult technical issues inherent in biodefense.
Automatic writings - written messages received when one is controlled by some psychic influence, which many believe may emanate from oneself, those around one, or discarnate spirits.
The tape whirred quietly; no message emanated from the speaker.
Even the Tandu boil with excitement and send expedition after futile piddling expedition to the site on the planet's surface from which the message emanated.
Quietly and emotionlessly, the message of the largest positronicon in the galaxy emanated from the loudspeaker: "Perry Rhodan of Terra!
Whatever bizarre route we took to get here, an unmistakable message now emanates from our free markets: good jobs are bad for business, bad for "the economy" and should be avoided at all cost.