Naomi's message was still echoing in my ears.
These messages echoed her sentiments at the same event in 2010.
Remember the six million - that message will echo throughout New Jersey as Holocaust Remembrance Day approaches.
In his mind the message was echoing so loudly that for the time being it drowned out the noise of the helicopter.
I asked you what you wanted to see in the strategy, and the messages echoed those set out by the CIH earlier this week.
The message echoed the campaign against Kosovo's ethnic Albanians two years earlier, and found a receptive Serbian audience.
Similar messages echo across the Arab world.
A message that he found interesting echoed through the night.
She said she still draws strength from the movie; its messages echoed when her second husband died, and when her teen-age son committed suicide.
"The main message of this supplement - that culture counts - should echo through the corridors and communities of this nation," Dr. Satcher said.