The Democrats have a spotty record on message discipline.
We are going to have better message discipline about taxes, about improving our national defense.
Bush placed a high value on personal loyalty and, as a result, his administration had high message discipline.
Key to defining wedge issues and practicing message discipline are the selection of terms that low-information voters will rally around.
I've written before about the folly of "strategic communications"-treating war like a political campaign in which the key to victory is "message discipline."
"They don't have any message discipline, and they haven't been able to define what they want to say."
"When they have no message discipline," he said, "nothing will stick."
For all Romney's message discipline, he has a bad record of making off-key comments when unscripted.
He added: "It really throws his message discipline and agenda control out the window.
Reid credited the "team effort" and message discipline of the caucus for its victory on the filibuster issue.