The lure of a weekly wage-packet has a mesmerizing effect.
The long, gentle brushing of his hand had a mesmerizing effect on her.
We all remember the mesmerizing effect of pinwheels when we were kids.
Yet another was an intricate, labyrinthine pattern that produced a mesmerizing effect on the young woman.
The low, raspy sound of the spool's rotation enhances the mesmerizing effect.
The mesmerizing effect he had on her ended after the performance, thank goodness.
The water flowing from it leaves a mesmerizing effects on the minds of visitors.
In his quest to push open the boundaries of fashion, Miyake often has a mesmerizing effect.
At midnight with no artificial light to spoil the show this event called a 'Vilakku' has a mesmerizing effect.
The inshore black bottom deepens the blue of the ocean for a mesmerizing visual effect.