As per the title, a quick interview with Chris and his band of merry men!
To keep company with merry men like Oblonsky - she now knew what that meant.
Simply make sure your band of merry men, whoever they are, is disbanded before you leave.
And look who he runs around with - a bunch of merry men!
The merry men stirred, sighing, and began to talk to one another again.
What we have here, then, is a merry man with a serious mission - and something of a maverick in the evangelical world.
Come in my merry men, and what are your names?
In other tales, he was a young boy who befriended the merry men.
However, the specific depiction of Christmas as a merry old man emerged in the early 17th century.
This was the merriest old man that we had ever seen, and one of the best preserved.