"But Korea has to be a genuine merit promotion, doesn't it?"
Mr. Costello said that while merit promotion might sound good in theory, there was danger in it.
He was the first person from the University of Moratuwa to obtain merit promotions to the grades of Associate Professor and Professor.
He received merit promotion as a Reader in Anthropology in 1989.
VEOA allows certain veterans to apply to vacancy announcements that are open under merit promotions procedures outside of the agency's workforce.
Assessment for merit promotion and grant of advance increments to scientists of the ARS.
This might be called "merit promotion", similar to the concept of a "merit civil service".
Eliminating the social promotion system would then make the incentives of merit promotion more effective at the beginning of each student's academic career.
Most of Lamb's scientific life was spent at the Meteorological Office, UK, where he started as a Technical Officer by special merit promotion.
You can get executed in Haven for arguing too hard in favor of individual merit promotion.