The merger represented the first non-distribution acquisition by Cardinal Health.
Industry analysts said that the merger represented a good deal for shareholders of both companies.
The merger represented a betrayal of Mr. Giannini's dream, she said.
But, more generally, mergers represented the development of skills in the arts of corporate finance.
Taking this history into account, the merger represents a graceful improvement for each participant.
The merger represents a leap forward in the creation of "super-regional banks."
Among the Greens, especially those from eastern states, there were complaints that the merger represented a "turn to the right."
But that merger represented an attempt to rescue Interfirst.
A merger essentially represents 'business as usual' and we do not, therefore, believe there should be any presumption that the rules have been breached.
"They said the merger represented a concentration in a relevant market and that it might keep rival cable home shopping services off the air."