Coincidentally, it also follows a merger announcement by two clients of the agencies.
In total, 8,675 Reebok options were traded on the two days before the merger announcement, more than 50 times the usual amount.
The official, speaking anonymously, said that a merger announcement could come in the next few days.
But the merger announcement was a classic tactic for a cynical industry.
Amid all the talk of executive changes, a larger issue began surfacing even before last week's merger announcement.
The only important public information was merger announcement (December 1, 1998).
The two merger announcements expected today will further raise the standard for how big financial companies feel they need to be.
But just 24 hours after the merger announcement, customers calling hot lines yesterday were getting a few answers.
A merger announcement from two large banking companies is expected on Monday, bankers said.
But that is still below the 61 11/16 it was at before the merger announcement pushed it up to 73.