In the autumn of that year the Jerusalem group merged with other armed groups affiliated with Betar.
As many as 25 or 30 small denominations were formed and eventually merged with other groups to enlarge the church.
Some, such as the Open Software Foundation merged with other groups and wound up being international.
He merged his party with various other groups to form the National Party in 1966.
They seem then to have merged with other groups, probably the Pamunkey, Chickahominy, or Rappahannock.
In 1933 it merged with smaller groups to form the current Fine Gael party.
Most of the churches in the conference movement eventually merged with other Mennonite groups.
The unit and its technological expertise are now being merged with other analytical groups within the firm.
The Khoikhoi became farm workers and their identity merged with other groups.
Some evidence indicated that a few Anasazi had merged with other groups to become the Hopis.