This applies to merging lanes except for zip merging, and includes most uncontrolled intersections except for T-intersections.
Give way to the right does not apply to merging lanes, in that instance vehicles must give way to any vehicle that is ahead.
It is characterized by sharp curves, limited sight distance, narrow shoulders, and lack of merge lanes at interchanges.
The East Leg was rebuilt in the 1990s to feature 6 lanes and longer merge lanes.
Messages can then be transmitted back through the same system to message boards along the highway, warning motorists to slow down, to merge lanes, or to use alternate routes.
Drivers in merging lanes are expected to use both lanes to advance to the lane reduction point and merge at that location, alternating turns.
Simply merging lanes here can seem an exercise in excessive deference compared with the Darwinian driving inclinations that thrive elsewhere.
Many highways do not have merge lanes for entering traffic.
Be wary of merging lanes, a regular feature of Malaysia's roads.
The turn, which forces motorists directly into highway traffic without merge lanes, is one of the tightest, scariest interchanges in the state.