MorphoBank is well-suited to such projects because of its tools for merging taxonomic, character and matrix-based data, as well as its collaborative features.
And, within two to three years, Nielsen plans to merge data from its online unit with its TV unit to calculate total viewing on all media.
It standardizes the format to facilitate merging data from multiple HIV cohorts and provides a set of quality control checks.
The onboard guidance software used a Kalman filter to merge new data with past position measurements to produce an optimal position estimate for the spacecraft.
Used to track merge data (revision numbers) in Subversion 1.5 (or later).
WindowWorks follows the most roundabout route for merging data from the database into a document.
But the announcement raised again the question of whether the advertising companies that had made large investments in systems to merge offline and online data had wasted their money.
Another new feature called Lookup lets you merge data from files that have a common field.
Their positronic brains are physically distinct from mine, of course, but right now all six are merging data with mine to create my own personality.
It will be used in the OneGeology project, an effort to create a geological map of the entire Earth, served live by merging data from many national geological surveys.