He thought he was merely wandering aimlessly, but soon enough he came to another familiar region and realized that he had subconsciously aimed for this area, perhaps in an effort to regain his heart.
Merely wandering the streets of Havana, Santiago, or Trinidad, you're likely to stumble across a party with a live band, or even a back alley where some impromptu jamming is going on.
No sense to merely wandering.
Little is more satisfying as merely wandering, bumping into examples of how human beings decided to decorate 2,500 years of history.
We did not have any set destination that I can recall; we merely wandered, enjoying the sunshine, moving from town to village, village to town.
If you are content to merely wander the streets and absorb the city's magical atmosphere, Venice may be one of the cheapest places on earth to visit.
I thought then and I think now that his attack of "must" was already passing off; in which case he would merely wander harmlessly about until the mahout came back and caught him.
He ate at the houses of people he knew and, for the rest, merely wandered around.