When Thomas Jefferson deemed the "pursuit of happiness" a "self-evident" truth, he was merely summarizing a good century of reflection on the subject in Europe and America.
Mr. Fine of Chase Asset Management said it did not contain anything more than what the Fed chairman had already said and merely summarized the last four weeks of economic data.
The book intends to show a layman the basic mechanical principles of how computers work, instead of merely summarizing how the different parts relate.
Some of the early press coverage merely summarised the report, picking out example case studies, without assessing the report's accuracy or likely impact.
Elsewhere I have described Buid childrearing practices and I will merely summarize that account here (Gibson 1985).
The biblical reference in the title does not imply any religious affiliation: it merely summarizes the importance of the rules compiled.
As Mac Fhirbhisigh intended to merely summarise material, he did not reproduce the original texts, which were extracts from Saltair Chaisil, written in Latin.
It was Warfield's belief that the 16th century Reformers, as well as the 17th century Confessional writers, were merely summarizing the content and application of scripture.
In response to the ensuing outcry, he first said he was merely summarizing the sentiments of some of his compatriots, and not necessarily expressing his own opinion.
He used it to reshape the paper, analyzing events rather than merely summarizing them, and making the leading article a central component of the paper.