For union supporters, the labor board's decision merely recognized the changes that have swept through academia over the past three decades.
Or maybe they merely recognize that children know more than we think, or wish, they did.
Instead, it merely recognizes religious organizations, according to formal legal criteria that do not address religious doctrine.
In fact, the commission's report merely recognizes a demographic reality.
Thus this title was not granted in Austria, but merely recognized there.
I mean it's not merely recognizing that past land reforms didn't work, it's a totally different policy.
Rather, he said, "it merely recognizes the supremacy of Federal power in the area of military affairs."
Though denounced as "social engineering" by a losing lawyer, the decision merely recognizes modern reality.
Devices that merely recognize and destroy a specific kind of cell, for example, will be enough to cure a cancer.
"The comptroller's role has always been primarily fiscal, and this merely recognizes that reality," he said.