Fromm merely grumbled behind his protective mask, as he and Ghosn lifted the plutonium assembly and gently set it in place.
The Drujani pounded their cups and shouted with approval; the Tatars merely grumbled.
Steaming at the mouth from exertion and anger, he started to swear, but restrained himself, swallowed the curse and merely grumbled dejectedly, "How long, Adonai, how long?"
Ivan merely grumbled a stream of complaints, though, thinking that they should all be out "clobbering orcs" instead of wasting their time calling to "trees that ain't got ears!"
He seemed to be merely grumbling to himself, so I seized the opportunity to whisper to Aahz.
Indeed they really expected him to think of some wonderful plan for helping them, and were not merely grumbling.
When my foot slipped I merely grumbled: "Ah, call the Mourners!"
And as everyone else seemed to want to speculate, he merely grumbled good-naturedly and went along.
The swordsman merely grumbled something inaudible.
Was it merely grumble?