Vedek Capril merely glowered at them from behind the lectern.
The Vistani driving the wagon was whistling merrily, but his shepherd passenger merely glowered.
The figure in the armchair by the fire merely glowered.
He gave a respectful bow to Arbrek, who merely glowered back, and then stepped up in front of Bamndin.
His father merely glowered at him.
When a few hotshots grumbled at her "warped" reward system, Tasia merely glowered at them.
Worf merely glowered, as ever.
When her brother merely glowered at her, she answered her own question.
He threw an apologetic look to Boothby, who merely glowered.
Worf said nothing, but merely glowered, the way he did habitually when someone did other than what Worf suggested.