Merely dreaming such a thing should have stopped her heart.
Economic statistics are scarce, so it is hard to know whether Mr. Taylor is on to something or merely dreaming.
Thou hast not merely dreamed Of these great deeds--thou hast achieved them all.
The feeling was back that at any moment Alain would come, but she knew it was merely dreaming.
Honesty made her admit she had hoped, but it had been merely dreaming, nothing like this harsh reality.
The time travel is done without any transitions or digital enhancement, and there's no suggestion that Gil is merely dreaming or fantasizing.
And if he really had something there and wasn't merely dreaming.
I merely dreamed I was a man.
In between, however, there were stretches of dance and music so relaxed as to suggest these gifted artists were merely dreaming.
Almost certainly a loneliness, perhaps a broken romance, a love known and lost, or merely dreamed of.