Whenever Turnbull's sword sought to go over that other mere white streak it seemed to be caught in a complex network of steel.
Barber prepared sketches and rejected the idea, stating that the building would appear a mere streak on the coin in the required low relief.
To the right and left of them the stars had become mere passing streaks of light.
Once again, the stars reverted to a blur- mere streaks of light in the black firmament.
The stars were mere streaks of light racing across a black expanse.
Like a wild tundra hare, felicity had always bolted before she could grasp it, slipping across the bleak background of her life, a mere streak forever in peripheral vision.
Nearby stars were mere streaks while those ahead in the distance grew in size even as he watched.
Hind wing: the black in interspace 1 reduced to a mere streak; cell entirely bluish white, traversed longitudinally by a faint black forked line.
Beyond it the lines were even less well-lit than the road, mere shimmering streaks in this grey corridor into night.
Only a mere streak of inkiness remained alongside the open window.