Nietzsche claimed that Wagner's music was a mere means to enhance theatrical posing and gesturing.
But that is a mere means to an end.
His drinking was a sort of self-elected martyrdom, a mere means to gaining greater strength through the right social contacts.
The Shadow knew that he was dealing with a supermind who relied upon more than mere mechanical means.
"It accustoms a man's mind to low ideas, and absorbs him in the pursuit of the mere means of life."
The morality of an action can be judged in accordance with Kant's distinction of treating a person as an end not as a mere means.
Mexican migrant workers come to the Okanagan to work in the agricultural industry as a mere means of survival.
One cannot, on Kant's account, ever suppose a right to treat another person as a mere means to an end.
Schopenhauer criticized Spinoza's belief that animals are to be used as a mere means for the satisfaction of humans.