At midmorning, meteorologists were still giving only 50-50 odds that the mercury would reach 90.
If the mercury reaches "Cadet School", that's where Willy goes, and the game is over.
Without cleanup, mercury can reach wetlands and waterways, adding poisonous amounts to fish and other creatures up the food chain, including humans.
Let's say that on a given day for one brief moment the mercury in London reaches 65 degrees.
In Chicago, the mercury has reached 100 on seven occasions this summer.
But when the mercury reaches the mid-60's, it is time to open the boxes and check the health of the colony.
Instead, the mercury never reached 60, but there was fog, drizzle and high humidity.
On Sunday August 10, 1924, storm clouds were building after an unusually hot day when the mercury reached 96 degrees.
When the mercury reaches a hundred and fifty.
The mercury reached 34 degrees in Central Park after 12 days of below-freezing temperatures that tied the third-longest cold stretch on record.