Fortunately, they came with that mechanized motion that was slow, despite its merciless precision.
In "The Child in Time," from 1987, a man's little girl is kidnapped at the supermarket, and his rising panic is charted with the merciless precision of a cardiogram.
The polished, high-energy brass playing was especially admirable, and the full ensemble rendered the score's frequent full-power rhythmic thwacks with a merciless precision.
They came from all directions, laying waste to the colony, reaving its people with merciless precision.
Kaeritha crunched into them, blazing swords moving with the merciless precision of some dwarvish killing machine made of wires and wheels.
With merciless precision, Koy Shan prepared to end Cardona's life.
Mother and daughter share a deep wish to escape life's daily routines, whose deadening sameness Davey renders with merciless precision.
With fine, merciless precision, it stung.
I felt no pain, but the beams prised away layer after layer of living tissue with merciless precision.
He has let his habitually buff body go soft, and he captures with merciless precision the sense of a sharp mind turning flaccid.