But Ayyar, unable to turn in the merciless grip that held him prisoner, could no longer see what happened behind them.
He turned, trying to run, but its thin, blue fingers had caught his wrist in a merciless grip.
And even now, either the publisher or the author - or both - might be in the merciless grip of their invisible but powerful adversary.
But her body lay still and silent, submerging into the merciless grip of the Collective.
She fumbled with the knot she'd made, but a fit of choking caught her, held her in a merciless grip.
The lean vampire had a merciless grip on her arm.
She marched to the door to have her arm caught in a merciless grip.
She would have struck him again with her free hand, but he caught it too and held it in his harsh, merciless grip.
He fought against the control that held him in its merciless grip.
He could not feel more than that, for icy numbness held him in merciless grip.